Details about the microfinance institutions - SOSCREDIT

Address: Philippines

Phone number: -


Max APR: 180%

Term: 62 days - 1 year

Cost example: Loan of 2400 ₱ for 3 months, monthly payment 870 ₱, total amount 2610 ₱, annual percentage rate APR 145%.

  • Advantages of online loans:  
    1. Competitive Rates: Enjoy potentially lower interest rates compared to traditional banks. 
    2. Flexibility: Tailor loan amounts and repayment periods to match your specific needs. 
    3. No Collateral Required: Skip the hassle of providing collateral or finding a guarantor. 
    4. 24/7 Availability: Apply for a loan anytime, without being restricted by banking hours. 
    5. Convenience: Access loans from anywhere, without the need to visit a physical branch. 
    6. Quick Approval: Receive instant decisions and approval within minutes. 
    7. Easy Access: Benefit from more flexible eligibility criteria, catering to a wider range of borrowers. 
    8. Transparency: Enjoy clear terms and conditions, with upfront information on costs. 
    9. Digital Experience: Embrace user-friendly interfaces and seamless online processes. 

Online loans - an ideal remedy for numerous financial challenges 

When you find yourself in need of financial support, a loan application online can be a practical solution. At, we have developed an innovative online platform that simplifies the suitable loan option search and application process. Our user-friendly interface, comprehensive lender network and diverse loan options empower borrowers to conveniently access the funds they require and make the borrowing process profitable as well. Whether you need assistance with unexpected expenses, personal projects, or bridging financial gaps, loan comparison service is here to provide you with a convenient, beneficial and efficient online borrowing experience. 

Things to pay attention to when filling out a loan application online: 

Online loans offer flexibility, versatility and diverse benefits, making them a preferred option for individuals seeking fast and convenient financial solutions. They have distinct advantages, setting them apart from traditional bank loans: 

Extensive range of loan options tailored to your requirements 

Understanding that every borrower has unique financial needs, offers an extensive range of loan options to cater to diverse circumstances. Our platform allows you to explore various lenders and loan products, giving you the flexibility to choose the loan amount that best suits your requirements when filling out the loan application online. With loan amounts ranging from ₱1000 to ₱25000, you can secure the exact funds you need to address your specific financial goals or emergencies. 

Flexible repayment terms aligning with your financial situation 

We believe in providing borrowers with repayment terms that align with their financial situations. Lenders presented on the website offer flexible repayment periods, ranging from 62 days to 12 months. This allows you to choose a repayment term that fits your budget and ensures a comfortable repayment schedule. Whether you prefer shorter-term loans or require a longer period to repay, our platform provides options tailored to your preferences. 

Interest-free first loan: minimizing financial burdens 

As a first-time borrower, you can benefit cost-effective loan solution. For new clients, it is offered the opportunity to secure their first loan with a 0% interest rate. This option provides a favorable borrowing experience, helping you manage your finances more efficiently. By minimizing the financial burdens associated with interest charges, you can comfortably repay your loan and fulfill your financial obligations. 

Transparent loan calculations: understanding the costs 

To ensure transparency, believes in providing borrowers with a clear understanding of the costs involved. Let's consider an example to illustrate this: you wish to borrow 2400 ₱ for a period of 3 months, with a monthly payment of 870 ₱. In this case, the total amount to be repaid would be 2610 ₱, and the annual percentage rate (APR) would be calculated at 145%. These calculations give you a comprehensive view of the total repayment amount and the cost associated with the loan. 

* Please be aware that the maximum annual interest rate (Max APR) can reach up to 180%, which may vary depending on the specific loan terms and the selected lender. We strongly advise borrowers to thoroughly examine the terms and conditions of each loan offer before making a final decision. It is crucial to understand that the lender calculates the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) on a case-by-case basis, considering factors such as the borrower's credit history, loan amount, and the repayment period. 

Simplified eligibility requirements and accessible loan application online aims to make the loan application process accessible to a wide range of individuals. Our partner lenders’ eligibility requirements are straightforward and designed to accommodate different borrowers. To successfully fill out a loan application online, you must be between 20 and 70 years old, a citizen of the Philippines with a valid identification document, and have a stable source of income supported by relevant documentation. Additionally, you must possess an active bank account or a bank card and provide a valid phone number for communication purposes. 

Defaulting on a loan can have significant consequences 

Defaulting on a loan can result in several negative consequences. Here are some potential outcomes that may occur in the event of loan debt: 

  • Damage to credit score: Defaulting can harm your credit score, making it harder to access loans in the future and potentially leading to higher interest rates. 
  • Collection efforts: Lenders may employ collection methods, such as calls, emails, or letters, to recover the outstanding debt. They may also involve third-party collection agencies. 
  • Late payment penalties: Late payment fees and additional interest charges may be imposed, increasing the total amount owed. 
  • Legal action: Lenders can take legal action to recover the debt, potentially resulting in court proceedings and wage garnishment. 
  • Emotional stress: Dealing with loan default can cause significant stress and emotional burden. 

It is essential to communicate with your lender if you are facing difficulty in repaying your loan. Many lenders are willing to work with borrowers to explore alternative payment arrangements or options to avoid default. does not provide emergency financial aid nor operate as a microfinance institution. Our primary objective is to empower borrowers with a comprehensive info resource and loan comparison service, enabling them to make well-informed decisions based on their unique financial requirements.